@echo off taskkill /F /IM explorer.exe explorer.exe exit
Month: September 2015
Install mod_pagespeed (Website Optimizer) for Apache in CentOS
mod_pagespeed is an open source module for Apache web server that automatically optimize Web Pages to improve better performance while serving web pages using Apache HTTP Server. It has several filters that automatically optimize files like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JPEG, PNG and other resources.
Step 1: Enabling Google’s mod_pagespeed Repository
Create a file called /etc/yum.repos.d/mod-pagespeed.repo with the help of your favourite editor and add the following lines of code to it based on your OS bit. Read More
Unzip command
Unzip files in particular directory or folder under Linux.
unzip {.zip-file-name} -d {/path/to/extract}
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Use a Different Color for the Root Shell Prompt
Linux only: This is an excellent tip that changes the prompt to red when using the root account from the terminal—as a reminder to be more careful. Using the tip is relatively simple—just edit the /root/.bashrc file and add in the following, preferably commenting out the existing lines that set the color, though you can simply add this line to the end of the file.
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